Friday 30 September 2016

UPDATED!!! "Ghostbusters" (Answer the call)----(Watch trailer+ review+ download)

So, I just saw Ghostbusters. Errmmmmm........ wasn't really what I expected. Yep. It was over-hyped. I mean, what's with the "scientific" ghosts throwing up slimy, green-coloured stuff. Don't even get me started on the baloon ghosts. I have never seen a ghost but I'm sure as hell they do not come in baloon form. Any ways, let me observe a little protocol.

 Genres: action/ comedy/ fantasy/ sci if
Major actors: Melissa McCarthy,  Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Charles Dance, Kate McKinnon, Micheal Kenneth Williams, Chris Hemsworth.
Director: Paul Feig
Release Date: 15 July, 2016.

As I was saying. My girl, Melissa McCarthy a.k.a the funniest woman in Hollywood did steal the show alongside Kate McKinnon, the extremely smart scientist that builds all their cool equipment. Buhari should hire her except she may quit after months of" no salary" 🙊.
The Sexy,  dumb secretary, Kevin (Chris Hemsworth) was looking fifty shades of hot!!!! He did spice it up. You know, the eye candy way. Can't say much for the character though. Crazy paddy too (Leslie Jones) was a spice.
I really loved the "Peter pan" move by Rowan, the ghost, before he dumped Kevin's body. Stirred up the childhood in me.
Talk about the lovely ghost couple making out during the ghost invasion. Awwww!!!!! So romantic. They even died together. Now, I'm moved to tears.
Lest I forget, the movie started on a very scary note. I was really scared especially cos I watched it at night. That was nice. The music was good, cinematography,  crazy stunts, settings, wardrobe. All those kinda stuff.

The bad: So, there were dancing soldiers. okay. Here's what happened. Rowan the ghost possessed them and control them to some Micheal Jackson type moves. Errmmmmm. Would say "lol" but.........
After the epic battle of the ghosts, during the "save Abbey" fiasco, they 
Made it out of a red portal. Red portal!! Really!!!!! And guess what? They turned blonde!!!! But their eye brows did not get the memo. Come on guys!!!

The ugly: There was this scene where someone at a rock concert was filming a ghost with their smart phone but the screen on the phone was the homescreen instead of the scene they were filming. 
Again, how did the window that was broken by the dragon ghost when it killed Bill Murray's character magically repair itself just in time to be broken again when Holtmann (Kate McKinnon)was pushed through it? And they say  Hollywood and nolly wood have nothing in common. Liars!!!!

Recommendation: Nigeria should start now to produce ghost-fighting machines instead of nuclear weapons just incase there is ever a ghost invasion in the future.  Who knows????could even be the green-coloured,  slime-producing ones. Or the baloon ones. Heard they are particularly mean.
Y'all should take a look at the movie. Your opinion might defer. Just try not to slit ur wrist while at it. 😉
But in movie. 😆😆😆😆
Don't mind me. Grab your copy now!!!!!!!!!



  1. I always love anything with a Chris Hemsworth on it. Lol,I love the movie

  2. I tried watching the movie the week it came out. Was unfortunate to get a copy meant for western Europe or something (just couldn't get the language it was dubbed in) I could have managed but after the 1st few scenes, I had to just call it a very bad movie and deleted it. Nope am not even trying again...
